Wednesday 7 December 2011

Masterplan Sketch

Really got stuck into Masterplan today and thoughts are coming together. Still struggling with 1:2000, having to keep remembering how big a car is and imagining it on the plan. Did some idea sketching. I know it's not quite right in terms of perspective but it gives the idea of what I want to achieve, and it didn't take long, (so I'll do lots more). It's a wide allee with avenue of trees either side and themed mosaic circular patterns set into the surface, it leads along to a central area where there is a cafe and other facilities. The central area is where the three paths meet, one coming off the beach and one in between the allee and the beach. The beach track will mimic the shape of the seven sisters.  The cafe will have a sun deck. further along where the beacon is will become a splash point, fun in winter or summer. More ideas on the way.

Initial ideas for an allee along the north boundary with mosaic patterns set into the ground

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