Thursday 24 November 2011


The CMP is really coming together now, I've got my strategies worked out and now writing them up and trying to get them as visual as possible. Class was good today, sketching out ideas for some of the strategies. I've included a page below showing the layers, 1709, existing and proposed with a design idea from 1709, then a mock up in Photo Shop - I know you need sunglasses to view this but after a Masterclass with Dom this will be improved! and to finish, a walk thru sketch. I'm going to add in some photos of proposed plants for the borders and then this strategy is done. I'll work through the rest in much the same way. 
Looking at it here, I can see the top layer was scanned in colour not b&w, so I'll do it again as it doesn't look as crisp as the middle one.

Specific strategy page for the CMP
Next week we're making a model, really looking forward to that. 

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