Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Masterplanning 3 Final Hanging

Up early and into Uni to get the final page printed, I was expecting a very long print queue so was pleased to arrive and find that not to be the case.

We had five A1 sheets to pin up. This is the first time we get an indication of where we're at from a grading point of view so a really important day. I had worked on a lot of points from the previous week on the 1:500 and the sketches, but did leave the sections too last minute, sadly slightly out of my control but that's real life.

1:500 need to add more depth, change leader line weight, resolve market area, show more levels.  A big improvement on the week before but still more work to do.

Sketches are coming along, more work on shadows and shading, reduce in size to fit page better, widen the viewport and check scale of people.

Elevations need a lot more work!

Still too diagramatic, expand the key, overall a better visual representation needed

So, a lot to work on, and if I have understood correctly the mark may change when the external examiners review all the work at the final hour! A useful day.

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